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重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 )的英文

"重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 )"怎么读


  • destination
  • "重货"英文翻译    heavy cargo; deadweight carg ...
  • "包"英文翻译    wrap
  • "裹"英文翻译    bind; wrap
  • "以"英文翻译    use; take
  • "整"英文翻译    whole; all; complete
  • "公"英文翻译    state-owned; collective; pub ...
  • "斤"英文翻译    jin,a unit of weight
  • "计"英文翻译    count; compute; calculate; n ...
  • "算"英文翻译    calculate; reckon; compute; ...
  • "包 裹" 英文翻译 :    encapsulation
  • "裹,包" 英文翻译 :    wrap
  • "包,裹,披肩" 英文翻译 :    wrap
  • "裹,缠,卷,包" 英文翻译 :    wrap
  • "重[新]调[整],重校" 英文翻译 :    readjustment
  • "包, 包围, 封套, 封皮, 封, 裹" 英文翻译 :    envelopment
  • "自 动 购 货 计 划" 英文翻译 :    aro
  • "算" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(计算数目) calculate; reckon; compute; figure 能写会算 (be) good at writing and reckoning; 算算旅行的费用 calculate the cost of a journey; 请你算一算我该付多少钱? please reckon up how much i must pay? 算出这些开支也许要花几个小时的时间。 it may take several hours to figure up these expenses.2.(计算进去) include; count 不要把我算在内。 count me out. 你把卸货所需的时间算进去了吗? did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo? 你最好别把我算进去, 因为我能否出席还不一定。 you'd better reckon without me, as i am not sure whether i shall be able to be present. 算上你, 一共有十个人。 there were ten people, including you. 我也算一个。 count me in.3.(谋划;计划) plan; calculate 暗算 plot against sb.; 失算 miscalculate; make an unwise decision4.(推测) think; suppose 我算他今天该动身了。 i suppose he'll have started today. 我算他今天会来。 i think he will come today.5.(认做; 当做) consider; regard as; count as 就算你对了, 也不该那么说呀! even if you are right, that's not the way to put it. 她可以算一个舞蹈家。 she can be counted as a dancer. 我算运气, 赶上了最后一班汽车。 i was lucky enough to catch the last bus.6.(算数; 承认有效力) carry weight; count 你怎么刚说了又不算了? you just made a promise and now you've gone back on it! 世界上的事不应 该由一两个国家说了算。 one or two powers should not have the final say on world affairs. 这点困难算不了什么。 a little difficulty like this is nothing to us. 这么大的事怎么能一个人说了算 ? how can only one person have the final say on such an important matter?7.(后面跟""了"": 作罢;不再计较) let it be; let it pass 算了,别说了。 that's enough! let it go at that.; forget it. 他不愿意去就算了, 咱们反正去。 if he doesn't want to go, he doesn't need to. we'll go anyway.Ⅱ副词(总算) at long last; in the end; finally 他学习音乐的愿望这回算实现了。 his wish to study music has come true at last. 问题算解决了。 the problem is finally solved. 现在算把情况弄清楚了。 at long last we have got things clear.; we've finally sized up the situation
  • "裹" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(缠绕; 包扎) bind ; wrap 把毯子裹在身上 wrap oneself in a blanket; 快把伤口裹好, 别让它露出来。 wrap the wound quickly and don't let it be exposed.2.(果胁) coerce; force to take part; confine3.[方言] (吸) suck; absorb 裹奶 suck the breast
  • "斤" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ量词(重量单位) jin, a unit of weight (=1/2 kilogram)Ⅱ名词1.(古代砍伐树木的工具) axe; chopper2.(姓氏) a surname 斤轩 jin xuan
  • "整" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(全部在内; 完整) whole; all; complete 整日整夜 the whole day and night; 整个世界 all the world ; 整整一打 a full dozen; 整部小说 the entire novel; 十二点整 twelve o'clock sharp; 完整的句子 a complete sentence2.(整齐) neat; tidy; orderly 整然有序 in good order; 仪容不整 untidy in one's appearance; 衣冠不整 slovenly in one's dress; not properly dressedⅡ动词1.(整理; 整顿) put in order; adjust; rectify; reorganize 整整床铺 fix one's bed; 把房间好好整一整 put a room in order; 调整历法 rectify the calendar2.(修理) repair; mend; renovate 整修翻新旧房屋 renovate the old buildings3.(使吃苦头) make sb. suffer; punish 挨整 be the target of criticism or attack; 狠整那个坏蛋 resolutely punish that scoundrel4.[方言] (搞; 弄) make; do 把衣服整脏了 get one's clothes dirty; 把事情整糟了 make a mess of the matter; 这东西我看见人整过, 并不难。 i once saw someone do it. it's not very difficult
  • "公" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(属于国家或集体的) state-owned; collective; public 公物 public possessions; 公关 public relations2.(共同的;大家承认的) common; general 公分母 common denominator; 公约 convention; pact3.(属于国际间的) international 公制 the metric system; 公斤 kilogramme4.(公平; 公正) equitable; fair and just; impartial 办事不公 unjust in one's manner of doing things; 大公无私 selfless; unselfish5.(雄性的) male (animal) 公鸭 drakeⅡ动词(使公开) make public; publicize 公之于众 make known to the publicⅢ名词1.(公事;公务) public affairs; official business 办公 attend to official duties; 因公出差 take a trip on official business2.(集体) authority; collective 交公 turn over to the authorities; 归公 be turned over to the collective3.(封建五等爵位的第一等) duke4.(对老年男子的尊称) 李公 the revered mr. li5.(丈夫的父亲; 公公) husband's father; father-in-law6.(姓氏) a surname 公俭 gong jian
  • "货" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(货币; 钱) money 通货 currency2.(货物; 商品) goods; commodity 交 [接, 理] 货 deliver [receive, tally] goods; 盘货 take stock; stock-taking; 送货上门 sell goods at the customers' doors3.(指人, 骂人的话) 蠢货 blockhead; idiot4.动词[书面语] (出卖) sell 货物于市 sell things at the market
  • "重" 英文翻译 :    重Ⅰ名词(重量; 分量) weight 加重 increase weight; 毛 [净] 重 gross [net] weight; 你的体重多少? what is your weight?Ⅱ动词(重视) lay [place, put] stress on; place value upon; attach importance to 重友情 highly value the friendship; set store by friendship; 为人所重 be regarded highlyⅢ形容词1.(重量大; 比重大) heavy; weighty 笨重的家具 ponderous furniture; 繁重的家务 weighty housework2.(程度深) deep; serious 情意重 deep affection; 病势很重 be seriously ill.3.(重要) important; momentous 重大决策 a momentous decision; 军事重地 an important place for the military affairs4.(不轻率) discreet; prudent 慎重 careful; cautious; prudent; circumspect; 自重 self-respect; 老成持重 experienced and prudent; 脸色庄重 a solemn look5.(优厚) considerable in amount or value 重赏 a handsome reward; substantial reword; 重金聘用 pay a high price for engaging sb.; engage sb. at a high priceⅣ副词(加重) heavily; severely 重责 rebuke harshly; scold severely; 重打 flog heavily; 重罚 severely punish; 重酬 richly rewarded
  • "包" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(用纸、布等裹) wrap 把东西包起来 wrap things up; 包饺子 make jiaozi [dumplings]; 包书皮 put a jacket [cover] on a book; 用布把伤口包起来。 use a cloth to wrap up the wound. 纸包不住火。 you can't wrap fire in paper.2.(围绕; 包围) surround; encircle; envelop 从两边包过去 surround from both sides; 浓雾包住了群山。 the hills were enveloped in dense fog.3.(容纳在里头; 总括在一起) include; contain 无所不包 all-inclusive; all-embracing4.(全部承担) undertake the whole thing 这件事包在我身上。 i shall take full charge of the matter. 这事由我包了吧。 just leave it all to me.5.(担保) assure; guarantee 包你满意。 you'll like it; i assure you. 包你没错。 you can rest assured.6.(约定专用) hire; charter 包了一只船 hire [charter] a boat; 我们学校为那次旅行包了三辆公共汽车。 our school chartered three buses for the trip.Ⅱ名词1.(包好了的东西) bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel 邮包 postal parcel [packet]; 炸药包 pack of dynamite; explosive package2.(装东西的袋) bag; sack 手提包 handbag; bag; 书包 satchel; school bag3.(物体或身体上鼓起的疙瘩) protuberance; swelling; lump 胳膊上起了个包 have a swelling in the arm; 脑门子上碰了个包 have [get] a bump on one's forehead; 树干上有个大包。 there is a big protuberance on the trunk.4.(毡制的圆顶帐篷) yurt 蒙古包 mongolian yurt5.(姓氏) a surname 包拯 bao zhengⅢ量词(用于成包的东西) bale; box; bundle; package; pack; packet; sack 一大包衣服 a big bundle of clothes; 一包棉纱 a bale of cotton yarn; 一包毛巾 a package of towels; 一包香烟 a packet [pack] of cigarettes; 两包大米 two sacks of rice; 两包糖 two bags of sugar; 一包火柴 a box of matches
  • "s计" 英文翻译 :    s-meter
重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 )的英文翻译,重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 )英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 ),重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 )的英文意思,重 貨 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 計 算 )的英文重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 ) meaning in English重 貨 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 計 算 )的英文重 货 包 裹 ( 以 整 公 斤 计 算 )怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。